
Cerca (2019)

Inspired by garden cloches, or enclosures for plant cultivation, and cards from La Lotería, the Mexican game of chance, these structures offer ways to rethink growth and boundaries. In Spanish, “cerca” has two meanings. As an adverb, cerca means close (near), and as a noun it means fence. This play on words speaks to the ways in which enclosures can offer cultivation and support, as well as constraint. The plants depicted are San Diego ambrosia and Encinitas baccharis, two endangered species that grow along the San Diego/Tijuana border. 

Serigraph on amate (bark paper), each print 23” x 15.5”

Developed in 2019 at Ox-Bow residency

Context on native plants provided by fellow Ox-Bow resident, poet and ecologist Tracy Zeman